Circulation | Library Policies

Whether you're an avid library user or new to the Carroll University Library, it's important to be familiar with basic circulation policies. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the borrowing and lending of library materials. If you have any questions on circulation policy, please feel free to ask at the Checkouts Desk or call us at 262.524.7175. Our staff will be happy to assist you!

Who is allowed to check out items?

Carroll University students, faculty and staff
Currently enrolled Carroll students, along with faculty and staff, ​may borrow materials using their Pioneer Card. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to have their Pioneer Card with them to check out items. 

Community Members
Members of the community may borrow materials by purchasing a Community Patron Card issued by the library.

  • Cost: $25.00. Cash is the only accepted form of payment.
  • ID: A valid state-issued photo ID is required when purchasing the card.
  • Membership period: The Community Patron card covers 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Clergy and faith-based leaders of Waukesha County: $25.00 fee waived when showing your business card.
  • Items available for checkout: Books and DVDs only. You must present your Community Patron Card to check out items.
  • Maximum number of items checked out at one time: 5.
  • Restricted materials/services: No interlibrary loan privileges are provided. Community patrons cannot check out reserve materials, cannot access online databases, or computers/printers.
  • Fines: The library does not charge overdue fines, but all community patrons are responsible for payment of fines associated with lost or damaged items.
  • Wi-Fi: Guest wi-fi is available.

We are happy to offer library checkout privileges to our alumni with a valid Carroll Alumni card. If you don't have a current alumni card, please contact or visit the Campus Center Information Desk to obtain one. Once the office verifies your alumni status, a Pioneer Card will be printed for you.

  • Membership period: 12 months from the date the card was issued. At the end of the one year period, you may re-instate your alumni card providing there are no monetary obligations to the library.
  • Items available for checkout: Books and DVDs only. You must present your Alumni Card to check out items.
  • Maximum number of items checked out at one time: 15.
  • Restricted materials/services: No interlibrary loan privileges are provided. Alumni cannot check out reserve materials, cannot access online databases, or computers/printers.
  • Fines: The library does not charge overdue fines, but all alumni are responsible for payment of fines associated with lost or damaged items.
  • Wi-Fi: Guest wi-fi is available.

Online Databases from State of Wisconsin
If you are a state of Wisconsin resident, you can get database access through your local public library or BadgerLink - a project of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Due to licensing restrictions, Badgerlink resources are restricted to Wisconsin residents. A system of IP (Internet Protocol) detection is used to determine the eligibility of site visitors. 

What can I check out or access online (students)?


  • Print materials: Print Books, DVDs, and Course Reserve materials.
  • Checkout period: Most print books checkout for 28 days and can be renewed once. DVDs checkout for 7 days and can be renewed once.
  • Maximum number of items checked out at one time: 25.
  • Online access: Databases, E-Journals, E-Books, Streaming Videos.
  • Restricted materials: Reference materials, periodicals, newspapers, archives materials, and special collections books are not available for checkout.
  • Fines: The library does not charge overdue fines, but all students are responsible for payment of fines associated with lost or damaged items.
  • Print materials: Print Books, DVDs, and Course Reserve materials.
  • Checkout period: Most print books checkout for 28 days and can be renewed twice (unless the item is on Reserve). DVDs checkout for 7 days and can be renewed twice.
  • Maximum number of items checked out at one time: 35.
  • Online access: Databases, E-Journals, E-Books, Streaming Videos.
  • Restricted materials: Reference materials, periodicals, newspapers, archives materials, and special collections books are not available for checkout.
  • Fines: The library does not charge overdue fines, but all students are responsible for payment of fines associated with lost or damaged items.


What can I check out (faculty/staff?)

Current faculty and staff can check out books, DVDs, and class reserve materials. You must have your Pioneer Card at the time of check-out. You can check out up to 35 items at a time.

Most materials that circulate may be checked out for 28 days and can be renewed twice (unless the item is on Reserve).

DVDs circulate for 7 days and can be renewed twice (unless the item is on Reserve).

Materials can be renewed by logging into My Library Account, by visiting the library in-person at the Checkouts Desk, or calling the library at 262.524.7175.

Reserves items cannot be renewed, but please let us know if you need material for your class longer.

While the library does not charge overdue fines, faculty/staff are responsible for payment of fines associated with lost or damaged items.

How long can I keep something checked out for?

Most materials that circulate may be checked out for 28 days and can be renewed once (unless the item is on Reserve.) Faculty and staff can renew materials twice.

DVDs circulate for 7 days and can be renewed once (unless the item is on Reserve). Faculty and staff can renew materials twice.

Most reserve items circulate for 2 hours, but they can be anything from 2 hours up to 3 days.  Reserves items cannot be renewed.

screenshot of library reserves page

Materials can be renewed by logging into your My Library Account, by visiting the library in-person at the Checkouts Desk, or calling the library at 262.524.7175.

The library will not generally recall any checked out items unless the item is needed for a class reserve. The names of those having materials checked out are never divulged. Your My Library Account lists when checked-out materials are due. Please talk to library staff if you need a hold placed on an item.

Overdue notices

An item is overdue when it has not been returned by the due date. You can always see the due date by logging into your My Library Account. You can also renew items there, including items that are already overdue. 

The library sends several types of overdue notices:

  • Courtesy notice: this is sent 3 days before the item is due if it's a 28 day item, 2 days before the item is due if it's a 7 day item. Reserve items also receive courtesy notices, dependent upon checkout period. Courtesy notices are emailed to your Carroll email address.
  • First overdue: this is sent via email to your Carroll email address once the item is 3 days overdue for a 28 day item, 1 day overdue for a 7 day item.
  • Second overdue: this is sent via email to your Carroll email address once the item is 7 days overdue for a 28 day item, 4 days overdue for a 7 day item.
  • Third overdue: this is sent via email to your Carroll email address once the item is 14 days overdue for a 28 day item, 7 days overdue for a 7 day item.
  • Billed notice: this is sent via email to your Carroll email address once the item is 28 days overdue for a 28 day item, 14 days overdue for a 7 day item. 

Failure to receive a notice does not alter the borrower's responsibility for an item.

Please contact Sara Mosey with questions at 262.524.7179 or

Fines for overdue items

The library does not charge for overdue items of Carroll library materials. We simply ask that you return your materials on time. Please contact Sara Mosey, Library Operations Supervisor, with questions at 262.524.7179 or

Charges for lost/billed items

Items overdue for more than twice their original circulation period will be billed as lost. The charge is $60.00 for each lost item. Charges for lost items will be transferred to the Business Office for collection 60 days after the due date. After a charge is transferred to the Business Office, the library will no longer accept the item back, nor will we accept payment for the item. You may have holds placed on your account if these fines are not paid at the Business Office. Please contact Sara Mosey, Library Operations Supervisor, with questions at 262.524.7179 or

Reserve items

Some items in use for courses are placed on Reserve by instructors. These items are stored behind the Checkouts Desk. Reserve items will not be held for later pickup. All reserve items must be returned to the Checkouts Desk. Please do not return these items in the book drop.

Book drop

A book drop is located outside of the entrance to the library.

Panoramic View of campus